Monday, August 16, 2010

Recent Races

I have done 2 tri relays in the past few weeks:

Newport Naval station sprint Tri: total time 1:15:10

Wild Dog Sprint Tri: total time: 1:00:10 (first place overall relay!!!)

Race reports to come!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Here we go!

Tomorrow is my first race of the season. Nice little sprint tri, the Naval Station Newport/Sprint Triathlon.
I will be doing the swim and bike portion of the tri and a friend of mine, Justin, will be doing the run. We are looking to have a good time and not set any course records. I will post a race report as soon as I can.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bike rides!

Thursday and Friday I hit the bike path for my first ride of the season. WOW I am way out of shape. 7 miles on Thursday and 9 on Friday. I was dead by the end of each one, but felt great that I got out there and did it. For me its all about my frame of mind. I am so excited right now to get out there and train for whatever TRi I sign up for. This coming week is going to be awesome! Sun is expected all week so I will get in a few nice rides. I am aiming for the full bike path ride within 2 weeks. I don't want to over extend myself. I could probably do it now, but not in the amount of time I have for my lunch break.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Its About Time

Well folks its been over 5 months since my last post. I have been doing absolutely nothing in the way of training or anything. Its freakin May!!!! I should at least have a good 2 months of base training in by now!!!! Well I kicked my self in the ass and got it into full gear today. I hit the Y for my first swim. I did 600m which felt like I just swam the English Channel. Tomorrow looks to be my first bike ride of the year, can you believe that? I am wicked excited to get back out there.

To tell you the truth, I have also started Weight Watchers again. I slacked off big time since December and now, today, was a start of something new. I am super excited and can't wait to tackle all the obstacles that are thrown at me.

I have no races planned so far. I have a few on my mind. As with any summer, I need to coordinate with the family to see what weekends are available.

Until next time....lets do this!