Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday = Track Day

Went to the URI Track today with Justin, Mark, Drew and Anthony. Planned to do another 4 x 400. Here is the break down:

4 x 400 with 400 recovery pace

Mile 1 warmup - 9:35
1st - 1:58.59
recover - 2:17
2nd - 1:59.85
recover - 2:24
3rd - 1:57.96
recover - 2:21
4th - 1:50.81
recover - 2:37
Last mile - 9:04

The last mile was my cool down, but there was no cool down started pouring I think during the 1st recovery run. Still stuck it out and got it done!

Depending on the weather I will either go to the Y and swim or jump on the bike during lunch!

1 comment:

MaineSport said...

I'm looking forward to the snow melting off of our track. It will probably be another 2 weeks. My wife went to URI- I remember the area well!