Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Its Official

I finally signed up for one of the Triathlons I will be doing this year.... The Crabman Sprint Tri. I am really excited for this one. I am still up in the air about signing up for the Mystic Sprint Tri. It depends how fast I can recover from this right shin injury and get myself back to normal running by mid May. I did a 2 mile run yesterday with no pain...but I also only ran around a 10 min mile pace. I really wanted to go faster and longer! But I knew I needed to keep it slow and steady. I might go for another 2 mile run tomorrow. Also last night I did the Monday Spin and Swim! That spin class really kicks my butt and to jump in the pool and swim 1300 meters just makes for a good training session. Wish me luck on my run tomorrow!


Unknown said...

Good luck with the run. It's a good idea to keep it short and slow and buildup a little bit at a time so you don't reinjure your shin.

Rachel said...

Whoo-hoo! Awesome.

Michelle said...

Hope the shin continues to feel ok.